Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with ENWIN.
The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) is helping make electricity more affordable for low-income households. The Ontario Electricity Support Program, or OESP, will provide ongoing assistance directly on the bills of eligible low-income electricity consumers.
Low-income households that apply and qualify will receive an OESP credit on electricity bills. The credit amount will be based on the number of people living in the home and their total household income. For some consumers, the need to use more electricity is unavoidable. They may receive a higher level of assistance. These are people who rely on electric heat or medical devices as well as First Nation and Métis consumers.
The program was designed and implemented by the OEB. Consumers can apply online or with the assistance of local intake agency partners, including Low-Income Energy Assistance program Emergency Financial Assistance intake agencies.
Visit the Ontario Electricity Support website for more information and to sign up to receive OESP updates by email.
Social Services includes two related sets of services:
The Ontario Works Act, through the Province of Ontario's Ministry of Community and Social Services provides the framework for the provision of employment and basic financial assistance to persons in need. The City of Windsor's Social Support Services delivers Ontario Works to residents of Windsor and Essex County.
Additional Information:
Phone: For general information, call 311. For detailed inquiries, call (519) 255-5200
Fax: (519) 255-1011 or (519) 255-1503
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) is a year-round emergency financial assistance program offered by the Ontario Energy Board in order to assist low-income energy customers better manage their bill payments and energy costs. It is not intended for regular or ongoing bill payment assistance.
To apply for LEAP Emergency Financial Assistance, please visit one of our local social service agencies:
UHC - Hub of Opportunities - (519) 944-4900
Housing Information Services - (519) 254-4824
To learn more about LEAP, please visit Help For Low Income Customers.
Keep the Heat is an energy assistance program administered by the Unemployed Help Centre and Housing Information Services. The program is delivered by a host of community-based agencies serving residents of Windsor and Essex County. It is efficient and accountable to the community and funders. For further information visit the UHC - Hub of Opportunities website.
Water Rate Assistance Plan (WRAP) & Sewer Assistance Plan (WWRAP) are year-round emergency financial assistance programs offered by ENWIN and the City of Windsor, designed to assist low-income Water customers better manage their bill payments and Water & Sewer rate costs.
Qualified applicants can receive up to a maximum of $175.00 for water assistance and $250.00 for Sewer assistance in any given calendar year. These programs are administered by the Unemployed Help Centre and Housing Information Services. Customers can apply through the Keep the Heat Page of the UHC - Hub of Opportunities website.