Drinking Water Quality Reports

Drinking Water Quality and Compliance 

Drinking Water Reports 

Delivering high quality water to our customers, is a priority at WUC. The drinking water is tested on a regular basis.


The Summary (O.Reg 170/03, Schedule 22) and Quarterly Water Quality Reports are available upon request by emailing info@enwin.com

Drinking Water Annual Systems Reports 

The 2023 O.Reg 170 Annual Water System Report addresses the requirements outlined in Section 11 of the Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation (O.Reg.170/03) under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 

2023 O.Reg 170 Annual Water System Report 

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 

WUC Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2024

Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reports 

2021 Greenhouse Gas Report 

Six Year Financial Plan 

Six Year Financial Plan 

Drinking Water Asset Management Plan 

2014 Potable Water Reservoir & Central Corridor Feedermain Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Schedule "B" 

WUC Master Plan Update - 2019 is available upon request by emailing  info@enwin.com

Drinking Water Asset Management Policy 

WUC Asset Management Policy 

Quality Management System 

ShapeThe Safe Drinking Water Act 2002 (SDWA) requires owners and operating authorities to implement a quality management standard specifically designed for drinking water systems be developed and implemented in Ontario. This led to the creation of the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS or the Standard). 

The ENWIN Utilities Ltd. – Water Operations holds a valid drinking water works permit and licence through the province’s municipal drinking water licencing program and is an accredited operating authority. This is demonstrated through our  drinking water quality management system. 

Information about the system is described at length in our operational plan, in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. 

For more information on Ontario's drinking water quality requirements please visit the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks official website

DWQMS Quality Management System Policy Date: February 2024

Operational Plan – available upon request.