The Windsor Utilities Commission

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Welcome to WUC 

At the Windsor Utilities Commission, our mandate is to deliver an abundance of clean, reliable and safe water that enhances the quality of life of Windsor's residences and businesses. 

We are proud to deliver tap water into our customers' homes that exceeds Ontario's water quality standards. Clean water plays a fundamental role in helping to establish the quality of our lives. 

Our Mission

We deliver to our customers the reliable and cost-effective water solutions that are essential to life.

Our Vision

Connecting communities through safe and sustainable water solutions.

Our Values

Agility, Trust, Stewardship, Excellence, Purposeful

Relationship Between ENWIN Utilities Ltd. and Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC) - Water service is a public utility managed by a municipal service board called the Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC). WUC owns, controls, manages, and maintains the drinking water works in the City of Windsor. Wastewater services are owned and managed by the City of Windsor. 

WUC has outsourced all of its operations to ENWIN through a  Water System Operating Agreement (WSOA). These services help to produce, deliver and maintain WUC assets. This includes regulating water rates, water quality and conservation efforts.  WUC's focus is on rate control, cost control and compliance, making the management of these essential functions easier without the additional responsibility of having to run a highly technical business on a day-to-day basis. For more information on the structure, click here

hanna Water tower

Water Billing Information

If you are interested in viewing a breakdown of your water billing details, please click below. 

Latest News Items 

WUC Contract #2024-001 Turner Rd, Tecumseh R, Factoria Rd, Milloy St.

The Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC) will be installing a new 1200mm concrete watermain on Turner Road from Memorial to Tecumseh Rd E, on Tecumseh Rd E from Turner to Factoria, on Factoria from Tecumseh to Milloy, and on Milloy St from Factoria to Chandler.  The bulk of this work was completed in 2024.

Sterling Ridge Infrastructure Inc., under contract with WUC, is scheduled to restart work the week of March 3, 2025.  The remainder of the project should take approximately three (3) months to complete.

Construction is planned to commence on Factoria Rd, followed by construction on Tecumseh Rd and Turner Rd.

WUC Contract #2024-033 Central Corridor Feedermain - Phase 2

The Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC) completed a Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) in 2014 identifying a new storage facility and large diameter watermain (referred to as the central corridor feedermain) to improve water servicing and water resiliency with neighbouring municipalities with a corresponding addendum completed in 2023. The new central corridor feedermain will service future development and improve servicing capability to the outer limits of the Windsor Water Plant service area.  As a result, WUC will be installing a new 1200mm concrete watermain on Turner Rd from Memorial to North Service Rd, on the North Service Rd from Turner to Conservation Dr, tunnelling across EC Row Expressway, on EC Row Ave from Conservation Dr to Marentette Ave, on Marentette Ave from EC Row Ave to Sydney Ave, on Sydney Ave from Marentette Ave to Division Rd and on Division Rd from Sydney Ave to 700 Division Rd.

In addition, as part of an ongoing infrastructure renewal program, WUC will be installing new "local" 200mm and 300mm PVC watermains on EC Row Ave from Byng Rd to Marentette Ave and on Marentette Ave from Sydney Ave (easterly) to Sydney Ave (westerly).

AMICO Infrastructure, under contract with the Windsor Utilities Commission, is scheduled to begin work the week of March 3, 2025.  The project should take approximately 12 months to complete. Construction is planned to commence on Sydney and EC Row Ave followed by construction on Marentette, Division, North Service and Turner.  Project timing is weather dependent. Tree trimming and mobilization may occur in advance of March 3.

WUC Contract #2024-051 Lauzon Road - Riverside Dr. E. to Wyandotte St. E.

As part of an ongoing infrastructure renewal program, the Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC) will be installing a new 200mm PVC watermain on Lauzon Rd  from Riverside Dr E to Clairview and a 300mm PVC watermain on Lauzon Rd from Clairview to Wyandotte St E.  Water service renewals will also be done on Clairview from Lauzon to Laporte and on Cedarview from Belle Isle View to Eastlawn.  

D'Amore Construction 2000 Ltd, under contract with WUC, is scheduled to begin work the week of March 3, 2025.  The project should take approximately 12 weeks to complete. Project timing is weather dependent.

Water Fill Station Out of Service

The fill station located at 2700 Deziel Drive will be temporarily out of service while it undergoes full replacement.  Approximate return to service will be February 15, 2025.

Frozen Water Services

It is that time of year again! As winter quickly approaches, it is important to remember some key issues that could cause possible interruption of water due to frozen water services.  For tips on how to prevent this from happening in your household, please click on the link to Frozen pipes.

Frozen Pipes

Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains

ENWIN filed a joint 2023 Annual Report under the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act. To see the 2023 Annual Report, please click here.

Notice of Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Addendum - Central Corridor Feedermain

Please click to see the attached public notice on the proposed changes to the project (feedermain alignment).  

To review the final CCFM Addendum Report, please click here.  Appendices available upon request.

Notice of Study Commencement Municipal Class Environmental Assessment - Elevated Water Tower

Please click to see the attached public notice on the Schedule B Class EA for a new elevated water tower and associated distribution and transmission system.