New/Moving/Cancelling Service

New Customer

Welcome to your new home, and ENWIN.

We understand that moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be hectic! We make it easy to set up your new account. View the ENWIN Welcome Package or the Landlord Information Package for more information.  

Simply fill out this form and submit it at least 2 business days before the day you need service.

New Customer Form

I'm Moving / Cancel Service

Moving to a new address or cancelling your service with utilities provided by ENWIN? No Problem!

Simply fill out this form and submit it at least 2 business days before your last day of service, so that your final reading can be recorded and service can be connected/disconnected.

Experiencing Difficulties?

If you are experiencing difficulties, one of our Customer Service Representatives will gladly guide you through the process. Click here to contact us.

I'm Moving

New Residential Service

To request a residential connection, please contract our Technical Services Department by e-mail at

If the residential service will have a breaker size greater than 400A then please follow the Commercial/Industrial connection details below.

For Overhead services the customer is responsible for installing the meter base, meter stack, and anchors. The location of the meter and stack must be discussed with ENWIN prior to construction to ensure it is in a position that can be serviced. The following diagram explains the allowable service point locations on a typical home:

Service Location Guide

For Underground services, the customer is responsible for installing the meter base and conduit as well as preparing a trench and providing sand along the length of the trench for ENWIN to install and connect underground service conductors. The following Trench Details must be followed to ensure that ENWIN can install the service when they arrive. Failure to meet the requirements of the Trench Detail will result in a Missed Service Appointment Charge (see Residential Rates).

Trench Detail - Direct Buried Residential

Trench Detail - Service Riser Behind Brick

Once the meter base and conduit have passed ESA Inspection, the contractor must contact ENWIN’s Technical Services department to schedule a date for connection. New services will be connected within 5 business days of being notified as long as all required payments and paperwork have been received.