Flying the Friendly Skies at Meet-A-Machine

Published Date
Monday, June 24, 2019

ENWIN Superheroes Volunteer at City of Windsor Event

June 24, 2019

Windsor, ON: The skies above the WFCU Centre were filled with sunshine and smiles Saturday, as ENWIN buckets soared skyward at the 9th Annual Meet-A-Machine event.

ENWIN Superheroes were ready to welcome children, thrill-seekers, friends and families who lined up for bucket rides.


After braving the queue for ENWIN’s popular attraction, guests were quickly and efficiently suited up with safety harnesses and escorted to the loading area, where they were hoisted more than 65 feet in the air.

Thousands gathered to see machines and vehicles of various shape, size and purpose, on display for children of all ages. First responders, military and transportation related organizations took part in the popular community event.

A special thank you to ENWIN’s Ray Forget for once again leading the volunteer effort, Tom Neufeld and Brent Roy for preparing the vehicles and event participants Brendan Beattie, Corey Catton, Jordan Catton, Devin Forget, Ethan Kopecky, Sean O’Rourke, Troy Pollard, Devon Smith, Joe Tonkin, John-Paul Bonadonna and Lyndsay Meloche.
