Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with ENWIN.
In Ontario, electricity rates are set by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), and include rates for the electricity commodity (generation), transmission through high voltage systems across the province (e.g. Hydro One), and distribution through local systems (e.g. ENWIN). The OEB must ensure that all rates are justified and reasonable. ENWIN is required to prove to the OEB that its rates are justified and reasonable through a rate application process. The current OEB-approved rates are listed below. More information on rates is available at the OEB website.
The following rates are approved and effective for January 1, 2025.
ENWIN Delivery Charges | |
Fixed Customer Charge | $30.93 |
Net Rate Riders - Volumetric | $0.0006 / kWh |
Net Rate Riders - Fixed Monthly | $0.27 |
Transmission Charges | |
Network Service | $0.0140 / kWh |
Connection Service | $0.0085 / kWh |
Note: Non-RPP, Class B customers will also have the Rate Rider for Global Adjustment Account Disposition of $0.0024 / kWh.
The RPP applies if you meet the program’s legislative criteria (residential/low-volume consumer). A regulated price per kWh is charged for electricity used.
Time-of-Use Pricing effective November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025
TOU Price Periods | Winter (November 1 - April 30) | Summer (May 1 - October 31) | TOU Prices ($ / kWh) |
Off-Peak | Weekdays (7 pm - 7 am) Weekends and Holidays (all day) | Weekdays (7 pm - 7 am)
Weekends and Holidays (all day) | $0.076 / kWh |
Mid-Peak | Weekdays (11 am - 5 pm) | Weekdays (7 am - 11 am, 5 pm - 7 pm) | $0.122 / kWh |
On-Peak | Weekdays (7 am - 11 am, 5 pm - 7 pm) | Weekdays (11 am - 5 pm) | $0.158 / kWh |
Ultra-Low Overnight Pricing effective November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025
ULO Price Periods | All Year | ULO Prices ($ / kWh) |
Ultra-Low Overnight | Every Day (11 pm - 7 am) | $0.028 / kWh |
Weekend Off-Peak | Weekends and Holidays (7 am - 11 pm) | $0.076 / kWh |
Mid-Peak | Weekdays (7 am - 4 pm, 9 pm - 11 pm) | $0.122 / kWh |
On-Peak | Weekdays (4 pm - 9 pm) | $0.284 / kWh |
Under tiered rates, a customer can use a certain amount of energy each month at a lower rate. Once that limit is exceeded, the rate goes up. The chart below shows the rates and tiers for each type of customer.
Tiered Pricing effective November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025
Tier Thresholds | Winter (November 1 - April 30) | Summer (May 1 - October 31) | Price ($ / kWh) |
Tier 1 | Residential - first 1,000 kWh/month Non-residential - first 750 kWh/month | Residential - first 600 kWh/month Non-residential - first 750 kWh/month | $0.093 / kWh |
Tier 2 | Residential - for electricity used above 1,000 kWh/month Non-residential - for electricity used above 750 kWh/month | Residential - for electricity used above 600 kWh/month Non-residential - for electricity used above 750 kWh/month | $0.11 / kWh |
**All kWh thresholds for tiered pricing are based on a 30 day billing period. Billing periods shorter or longer than 30 days will decrease or increase the threshold proportionally. For example, a 33 day billing period will result in a 10% higher threshold amount (33/30 = 110%).
The electricity price you pay per kWh is a retailer contract price, based on your choice of electricity provider. You will also be subject to a separate charge for the Global Adjustment, which will appear as a separate line item on your bill. More information on the Global Adjustment is available here: Class B Global Adjustment.
Prior to November 1, 2019, residential customers received a built-in reduction to their price of electricity within their Regulated Price Plan (RPP) rates. Starting November 1, 2019, the Electricity line of the bill displayed the full un-subsidized price, and the Ontario Government replaced the built-in reduction and the previous 8% Provincial Rebate with the expanded Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER).
Residential accounts automatically qualify for the OER, which appears on bills as a separate line item. The Ontario Government may adjust the OER amount from time to time. The chart below provides the current value of the OER:
Ontario Electricity Rebate (OER) | Effective November 1, 2024 |
| 13.1% |
Wholesale Market Service Charge | $0.0045 / kWh |
Rural or Remote Rate Protection Charge | $0.0015 / kWh |
Standard Supply Service - Administration Charge* | $0.25 |
*Applies to customers not contracted with an energy retailer.
As electricity is delivered over a power line, a small amount of power is consumed or lost as heat. This is called line loss. It is caused by wires and transformers that consume power before it gets to your home or business. The loss factor adjustment accounts for these losses.
Secondary metered customers <5,000 kW | 1.0311 |
Primary metered customers <5,000 kW | 1.0207 |
Customers >5,000 kW | Available Upon Request |
A Late Payment Charge of 1.5% per month (compounded to 19.56% annually) will be applied to any past due balance.
Service < 115 kV (per kW of billing demand) | $-0.60 |
Arrears Certificate | $15.00 |
Pulling Post-Dated Cheques | $15.00 |
Easement Letter | $15.00 |
Account History | $15.00 |
Credit Reference/Credit Check | $15.00 |
Returned Cheque Charge (not inclusive of bank fees) | $15.00 |
Account Set-up/Change of Occupancy Charge | $30.00 |
Special Meter Reads | $30.00 |
Meter Dispute Charge + Measurement Canada Fees (if meter found to be correct) | $30.00 |
Dispute Test Residential | $50.00 |
Reconnect at Meter | $65.00 |
Reconnect at Meter After Hours | $185.00 |
Service Call — Customer-owned Equipment | $30.00 |
Missed Service Appointment | $65.00 |