Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with ENWIN.
October 29, 2021 Windsor, ON: ENWIN Utilities Ltd. (ENWIN) and the Windsor Essex Child/Youth Advocacy Centre (WECYAC) are proud to announce a partnership dedicated to helping provide support to the children, youth and families that have been affected by abuse. From November 1 to...
October 8, 2021 Windsor, ON: Ashley Rocheleau started Sunflowers 4 Smiles, to raise $5,000 in donations for Ronald McDonald House Windsor. With help from ENWIN’s Grass Roots program, she exceeded her goal. Sunflowers 4 Smiles raised $4,217.03 in public donations. ENWIN’s Grass...
September 29, 2021 Windsor, ON: ENWIN will commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Thursday, September 30. Our offices will be closed. Regular office hours resume on Friday, October 1, when our Customer Service Centre will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m...
ENWIN achieves 100% Rating 10 Years in a Row September 15, 2021 Windsor, ON: Garry Rossi, VP of Water Operations for ENWIN Utilities Ltd. (ENWIN) informed the Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC) Wednesday that Windsor’s Water System Inspection Report from Ministry of the...
September 3, 2021 Windsor, ON: ENWIN will celebrate Labour Day on Monday, September 6. Our offices will be closed. Regular office hours resume on Tuesday, September 7, when our Customer Service Centre will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Our emergency phone line will remain...
Offers Opportunity for Growth and Support of City’s CEP July 30 update: WUC no longer owns or operates the District Energy Windsor System. Below is a news release regarding the sale of District Energy to Enwave. For further information on District Energy Windsor, visit the Enwave...
Offers Opportunity for Growth and Support of City’s CEP July 30 update: WUC no longer owns or operates the District Energy Windsor System. Below is a news release regarding the sale of District Energy to Enwave. For further information on District Energy Windsor, visit the Enwave...
Raises $1550 donation for Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex June 25, 2021 Windsor, ON: ENWIN employee Brett Chaborek became involved with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) with a desire to help end the stigma surrounding mental health. “CMHA Windsor...
WUC Celebrates 20th Anniversary as First Utility to Introduce Ozone June 15, 2021 Windsor, ON: Since the implementation of Ozone as primary method of water disinfection at the A. H. Weeks Water Treatment Plant on June 15, 2001, Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC) and ENWIN...
Earns Finalist Recognition in Company of the Year Category June 10, 2021 Windsor, ON: ENWIN is the proud recipient of the Water’s Next Award for Early Adoption in Technology and Innovation at the Water Canada Summit today. At a time when utilities are striving to maintain low...