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April 29, 2019 Windsor, ON: ENWIN was proud to recognize ArcelorMittal Windsor through the United Way Windsor-Essex I Believe In My Community Awards. The Awards luncheon celebrates United Way's valued partners and donors who exhibit Excellence in Fundraising. Companies like ENWIN...
Annual Program Ensures Safe Fire Hydrant Pressure April 25, 2019 Windsor, ON: To ensure a safe level of water pressure is available at fire hydrants to serve our community, ENWIN is conducting its annual Water System Flushing program across Windsor. The program will begin on...
3,500 Students Learn About Electricity and Water Conservation April 17, 2019 Windsor, ON: More than 3,500 students will have the chance to experience the Earth Day Travelling Road Show over the next two weeks, thanks to sponsorship from ENWIN, and the Stephanie and Barry Zekelman...
Offers Utility Efficiencies, Tech Growth in Downtown March 29, 2019 Windsor ON: ENWIN Utilities Ltd. (ENWIN) has taken a step forward in its plan to ensure the best possible service to its customers at the lowest possible rates, with the announcement today of the sale of its...
March 28, 2019 Windsor ON: United Way Windsor-Essex County posed a very important question to residents of our community. "Do you know what local love looks like?" With a generous donation of $32,957.12 from ENWIN, it's clear that our Superheroes certainly do! The donation, and...
March 25, 2019 Windsor ON: ENWIN is featured in three stories in The Globe and Mail Perspective insert, which was distributed to over 400,000 readers across Ontario, Montreal and Winnipeg on Friday. The Windsor-Essex edition is published annually and supported by the Windsor...
Traffic Impact on Dougall between Cabana and Liberty March 18, 2019 Windsor ON: As part of a hydro infrastructure project, ENWIN crews will be installing hydro poles through the use of a crane on Dougall Avenue between Cabana Road and Liberty Avenue. The project will begin on...
ENWIN Promotes Innovation March 13, 2019 Windsor, ON: Dedicated, motivated and innovative. Those were the words used by the innovation experts at WEtech Alliance to describe ENWIN's graduating participants of the ENnovation Catalyst. And, based on the fact that eight of the...
March 6, 2019 Windsor, ON: Windsor Canada Utilities Ltd. (WCU), the parent and holding company for the ENWIN Group of Companies today confirmed the full list of directors who will serve on the boards of Windsor Canada Utilities, ENWIN Utilities Ltd. (EWU), ENWIN Energy Ltd. (EWE)...
February 6, 2019 Windsor ON: ENWIN Utilities Ltd. (ENWIN) Board of Directors and the members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 636 have ratified a new collective agreement. The term of the new agreement for the Water Division is four years...